Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Low Maintenance Plants That Your Space Would Love To Embrace

Love plants, but not when they require your attention every now and then? Well, that’s what our busy schedules have done to us all. Don’t be sad! It doesn’t mean you can’t wish to have a lush green garden/indoors full of blooming plants. Here are some of the plants that survive for a longer period even with low maintenance. 

Now, if that’s what you’ve been looking for, read on:

Iris Sibirica

Siberian Iris buds during late spring and early summer. Its flowers bloom in many colors like pink, purple, white and yellow. Once it is planted, it doesn’t need dividing for 5 to 10 years and that’s why it is loved by everyone.

Snake Plant –
Screaming of drama, this plant has vertical & architectural leaves that add a modern vibe to the space. It doesn’t necessarily require full sunlight, but bright light makes it happy.

Dicentra Spectabilis –
Featuring pretty pink flowers in mid – late spring, Spectabilis (also know as Bleeding Heart) rarely needs dividing. While planting it, remember to plant it in part to full shade in humusy or moist soil.

Fern –
Bringing a burst of joyful green color in your indoors, this plant doesn’t really need a lot of fuss. It grows well in low light and hardly needs basic maintenance.

Brunnera Macrophylla –
Brunnera features heart-shaped leaves in silver color and green veins and beautiful light blooms appearing above the leaves in spring. You can choose this plant for low-maintenance ground that is deer, slug & rabbit resistant and for moist soil with part shade.

Peace Lily –
If you’re looking for a plant that appeals to your eyes and at the same time improves the quality of surrounded air, then you must go for Peace Lily. It needs no fertilization and is also adaptable to under-watering too.

Lavender –
Being an insect repellent, aromatic and a flowering herb, Lavender is much more than a plant. It’s perfect for living areas, study room, or all those places where it can get good quality sunlight.